Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Stratford Waterfront Design Challenge

We have entered a high profile Architectural Design Competition to design a 'Playable Landscape' for the Queen Elizabeth Park II. Our entry has been submitted to a team of Architects from Allies and Morrison who will now judge the entries in partnership with professionals from V&A, UAL and the Olympic Park Legacy Project. We are so proud to show you our designs...

Thursday, 24 May 2018

Video call London - Madrid

This last week of the term has been very exciting.
On Wednesday morning, Nightingales had a surprise,
We got a video call from Spain!

Our Pen Pal friends from Madrid called us and we got to ask them different questions in Spanish and they asked questions in English!

I hope we can call them back soon!

Have a lovely half term!

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Owl Sculptures

Year 1 have been learning the fundamentals of sculpture. With our new skills we made Owl sculptures with personalities linking to our topic Night/Day. Like us they are all amazing and unique! Take a look!

Thursday, 17 May 2018

Apollo Music Project

Today Year 4 had another amazing workshop from Apollo Music Project.  Every child had a go on one of these instruments.
Can you name these instruments?
How are they played?

Monday, 14 May 2018

Spanish Assembly - The importance of languages

Last Friday, KS2 had their Spanish Assembly, they were amazing!

We spoke about the importance of learning a second language. 

All the school had their hands up for answering questions in Spanish! 

We had a role play in Spanish asking for food in a restaurant.

We learnt that, at school, we speak 27 languages and they are all very important!

-Learning languages makes you smarter,
-Increases your brain capacity and memory,
-Makes you understand different cultures,
-and you can travel!

We also played the song of Moana in 24 languages:

I hope you enjoyed!

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Guitar performance

Liliana has been learning to play the guitar out of school.  This week she brought in her guitar to play to her class and to play in our music assembly.  She has only been learning since January but has clearly worked very hard as she sounded fantastic!  Well done Liliana!

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Los transportes

In Year 4 Nightingales, we are learning about transports!
Today we had so much fun playing ¿QuĂ© tengo en el coco?

We had to ask questions in Spanish to guess what transport was on our head!

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Starlings Art Celebration Assembly

What is creativity? Why is it important?

Two of the questions Startlings answered in their Art Celebration Assembly.
They celebrated their amazing work on pattern with a moving assembly showing the imporantance of Art to our school.