Year 4 went to the Natural History Museum and learnt all about Volcanic Eruptions, where volcanoes and earthquakes are around the world and the destruction they can cause.
Our favourite part was the earthquake simulator and the virtual world map showing tectonic plates.
Year 4 have been exploring the fundamental of Digital Art in lessons this week. They responded to the artist Kandinsky by producing digital artworks in response to sounds.
We learnt how to produce a successful composition by placing colours and shapes across the page to balance the way the eye travels across an artwork. Well done Year 4!
Year Two have entered a competition in conjunction with the Cavantina Trust to design a piece of artwork responding to Music. These are their designs which a both inspired by the artist Kandinsky and also the very special concert we had at school by a string quartet from the Cavantina Trust. Look out for our designs in the playground and take a look at the examples below!
In the KS1 corridor we have a new exhibition of Crowns by Year 2 students. The artists designed and made their crowns in three dimensions responding to a brief.
We are very proud of our skilful manipulation of materials and have achieved the fundamental for sculpture in Year 2 well done!
Year 4 Hummingbirds visited Parasol Unit Gallery in Angel. Working with a professional artist and inspired by the current exhibition they invented an imaginary city scape. The gallery praised our amazing students creativity and our critical thinking skills!